Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Post-Quechee Debrief

Last Friday after work, 5 people fit themselves snugly into the confines of Jetta Jimbo, our newest zipcar friend, and made our way over to Ridgewood for dinner with Bill and Barbara (aka Mombar, of course!) We had a great evening, with an A+ dinner (thanks to Emily for creative direction and Mombar for expert execution) and lots of good conversation. Bill, who's retiring in short order, was duly toasted and congratulated. Congratulations, Bill!

Here are Mom & Bill, thinking happily about retired life and all the great blogging-time that will afford.
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and Cecile, agreeing with them.
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E & Barbara, planning their next New York date.
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Coming up tomorrow: E & Mom framed by tulips in Union Square, and the setting sun, seen from the top of a rotating, 50th floor restaurant.


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