There had been plans for tonight that required Jean & I to dress ourselves in things other than our pajamas, but poor Aaron! He was bitten by a dog in Mexico last week and came down with the flu enroute to the doctor for the requisite rabies shot. So the lamb tagine and short films we'd planned with the Rivleys will take place next week, maybe. In the meantime we are wearing our pajamas and having apartment time, which isn't so sad considering the wintry-mix I see taking place outside. Plus we have a bottle of champagne and a bottle of cassis to mix with it for Kir Royale if we wish.

We've quite soberly made a list of things we should do in 2006, which includes much architecture license exam-studying; architecture license exam-taking. Jean and I had this plan for our nine exams--we would tackle the nine exams in pairs between the two of us (w/ one left over, I suppose) and after sitting for two different tests, we could quickly debrief each other for post-exam impressions of the untaken test. Today, though, we found an online chat room resource on the subject of the ARE exam which is basically thousands of citizens doing exactly this--thank you Internet!
We are also making truffles!

There are many steps to this particular recipe, each punctuated by a couple hours of letting the chocolate cool in the refrigerator, so it'll be late tonight before they're finished. But the ganache filling is already delicious, that I can say! It's basically cream, steeped in allspice, cloves, and ginger; and dark chocolate, all melted together and then chilled till hard. Then I use a melon-baller (bought specially) to make tiny boules of truffle, which I'll dip into melted very dark (70% cacao) and white (no cacao!) chocolate.
Happy new year!

We've quite soberly made a list of things we should do in 2006, which includes much architecture license exam-studying; architecture license exam-taking. Jean and I had this plan for our nine exams--we would tackle the nine exams in pairs between the two of us (w/ one left over, I suppose) and after sitting for two different tests, we could quickly debrief each other for post-exam impressions of the untaken test. Today, though, we found an online chat room resource on the subject of the ARE exam which is basically thousands of citizens doing exactly this--thank you Internet!
We are also making truffles!

There are many steps to this particular recipe, each punctuated by a couple hours of letting the chocolate cool in the refrigerator, so it'll be late tonight before they're finished. But the ganache filling is already delicious, that I can say! It's basically cream, steeped in allspice, cloves, and ginger; and dark chocolate, all melted together and then chilled till hard. Then I use a melon-baller (bought specially) to make tiny boules of truffle, which I'll dip into melted very dark (70% cacao) and white (no cacao!) chocolate.
Happy new year!
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