Carnage (photo-less, don't worry!)
Quite a bloody scene in the kitchen this morning. Jean and I have been running an anti-mouse campaign this week (please don't mention this to our houseguests who are arriving tonight!) and last night saw the first victim. Catching mice is harder than one might think! Our first strategies, i.e. humane traps, then regular spring traps with, in order, cheese, bread, then large pieces of bread, yielded nothing. Though the bait was always gone by morning, mind you. So last night we tried peanut butter, thinking that it would be less portable, requiring the mouse to sit and eat it in place, thereby increasing the likelihood of snaring him. We'd laid six traps across the various surfaces of the kitchen and thank god it was the one on the tile floor that snapped. Splash!
Peanut butter is definitely the best way to attract mice. Initially, I had experiences similar to yours--peanut butter would be gone in the morning from the unsprung traps. Now I use a two- or three-trap line up--positioned touching each other, so the mouse has to cross a second trap to get to the one with the bait. This technique works, at least in New Jersey!!!
Great idea, thanks! We'll have to launch our next campaign with a bit more strategy. Those mice with their split-pea sized brains are more clever than one would think.
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