Chris Aglow

Here he is, with his long overdue x.mas present from me. Suits him, no? Chris and Mom were both here in New York last weekend, which was really fun. Mom had been occupied all week entertaining various investment opportunities for the OK state funds, but by Friday night she was free and met up with Chris, Jean, and I in Brooklyn. We walked to a restaurant not too far from our apartment, Sorrel, for dinner where we were entertained to observe that there was a film crew at work with lights and props right outside the restaurant. We were seated at a table right at the window with a full view of the goings-on outside, so we like to think chances are good that we were accidental extras in the production. If you're watching a tv production about gay & lesbian life in Brooklyn soon, don't be surprised if you see the 4 of us eating smoked trout and amateurishly ogling the camera!

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