Kids in Sand
To continue patching over the bare spot in the blog: Last month Jean and I were able to snare a couple of weeks in between our old and new jobs (we've both changed places of employment), which we used for visiting the de Foy homestead in Belgium. Summer in Belgium is a lovely weather-season, bearing no resemblance at all to that torrid fug that hung over New York all last week. More importantly, look how cute our nieces and nephews are! We spent a day at the Mer du Nord and planted them.

A pleasure for some, but not all!

Here’s another version of cuteness—the well-known de Foy potty-training method:

Thirty-four pictures of the stay in Louvain-la-Neuve, the Abbaye Maredsous, and de Foy clan having ice cream right here. Click Me!

A pleasure for some, but not all!

Here’s another version of cuteness—the well-known de Foy potty-training method:

Thirty-four pictures of the stay in Louvain-la-Neuve, the Abbaye Maredsous, and de Foy clan having ice cream right here. Click Me!
It looks like it was a fun trip, with several generatiions sprawling about in a very attractive way. I am quite envious of the Liz and Jean Cedric photos, which seem so spontaneous and full of life. Ned
Thanks for saying so, Ned. Your own are looking very good chez Overland Crappsie... wait, I've been meaning to do a post about that!
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