On Chicago's Navy Pier
While we were in Chicago for a meeting Maryanne usually attends in August, we met up with Gregory and Michael de Foy for an afternoon and evening practising our tour-guide skills. Here they are at Navy Pier, where we walked around for an hour between the architectural tour along the Chicago River and dinner at Flatwater, a trendy new restaurant near our hotel. If clicking on this photo leads back to the batch posted on flickr.com, as I think it might, you'll see some of the architectural splendors of Chicago, plus a few more photos of the brothers de Foy.
Double-click on the photo, which will take you to flickr.com; then click on the tag "Chicago August 2006" and the batch of photos will display.
These are cute, Dad. You and Mom look tiny next to those "skyscrapers"!
Must have been a beautiful day in Chicago! The photos are great--loved the reflection of the sky and clouds on the facades of the buildings.
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