Friday, November 17, 2006


This is a day early, but since Chris is planning to spend 11.18 out in the woods presumably without his computer:

Happy Bidet

I've been waiting to tell him that for WEEKS! Click on the image.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Usually, this blogger does not enjoy Halloween festivities. Maybe its the cold, or the prospect of being dragged to haunted houes, or having to find some silly costume ... This Halloween, however, I had a little more inspiration than normal. John and I dressed as Oktoberfest goers. Not having hundreds of dollars to spend on real leather laderhosen, we utilized our savvy design skills, and made sandwich boards depicting the real thing. (We didn't skimp on the biersteins, those are the real thing straight from Munich Oktoberfest!) Emily created two stunning outfits of lobsters for her and Dave. (Lobsters mate for life.) All four of us tied for Second Place in the Best Costume contest.

Are there any other family costumes out there??