Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brook's Reply

I know that at least several of the family members are readers of David Brooks. Here is his reaction to Amy Chua's book and article (from the WSJ) that Lizzie mentioned. With so much parenting going on in the family now, I think these are interesting reads.

I know that recently the Shanghai region placed extremely high in its participation in the OECD education placements. The US has been sliding, or not improving. The interesting thing about the US rankings is how divergent US scores can be, where some segments perform as well as their international counterparts and some are seriously behind. How does the US continue to innovate and attract creativity and capital? Can it continue? Is there somewhere in the US system that makes up for trailing in the classroom? Universities? The OECD states that the test takes creativity into account and minimizes scores achieved with rote memorization (a common critique from US parents and educators).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

chinese mothers

You all have likely already read about the Chinese moms (most-read article in WSJ all week long!) but it's pretty good.

Chris could maybe share some stories about the Lees?