Monday, May 31, 2010

Newest Discovery

This Memorial Day, Pauline discovered that pacifiers aren't the only thing which can calm her during nap time. Sometimes it is her entire fist, but today she realized that there is something even better...her thumb. Mom and Dad also discovered that they need to start saving for many trips to the orthodontist. As you can also see, she is getting pretty good at "assisted sitting."



Friday, May 28, 2010

Down by the Potomac on a sunny day

Originally uploaded by Papa, aka Don
Here's an attractive group recently spotted in the vicinity of the Potomac. One toddler is quite visible, another is hidden in Estelle's carrier, aka snuggly. Note the hound looking as if he wants to take off on his own.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Young Lady with Her Father's Siblings

Miss Pauline here enjoys the attentions of her Father and his siblings at the inn on the banks of the Potomac during a recent sojourn in Washington. She appears to be enjoying, or at least tolerating, the attention in a quiet sort of way. What a good-looking group, says the person posting this message.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Now an M.B.A.

The occasion for the recent trip to the East was not only to bond with the new granddaughter but also to attentd the graduation of Andrew, who is now fully equipped with his M.B.A. Here he is shown with his wife, Deborah, and in the first photo he poses in front of his school's logo. Congratulations Andrew!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pauline and Estelle

Here, at the same breakfast event, is Pauline with her Mother. Pauline, remember to look toward the camera!

Breakfast with Pauline and Family

During a recent all-too-brief visit to the Washington area, the grandparents had some quality time with their newest grandchild, here shown in the arms of her Grandmother at our family breakfast at a well-known inn along the banks of the Potomac.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

On the beach in Ponte Vedra

This was taken on the beach in Ponte Vedra yesterday morning. Has the look of a much more remote place, doesn't it?

When I handed my camera to a man on the beach and asked him to take our picture, the camera was accidentally set on "video" so here's a very short film for those who would like to see what we and the horses look like from the other side!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Originally uploaded by Papa, aka Don
A recent visitor to the grandparental home, concentrating on moving the train along.