Monday, March 22, 2010

Pauline Eloise

As you all are aware, dear Pauline was born last week, and has been having a wonderful time hanging out with dear old mom and dad in Virginia. We have posted some photos of her first week.




Friday, March 12, 2010


Originally uploaded by Agent-E
This young man is pondering: when will my new cousin arrive? He has no entry in the guessing pool, but he is no doubt very anxious to make her acquaintance.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Cool new link

I thought the family might enjoy this new blog I came across. I can think of a few stellar pictures of members of our fam that could go up. Mom and Dad and the Bill Barbara cube o' photos, Dad in his white dinner jacket at his wedding, Margie with little Jacob and her sunglasses, etc.